How to Cut Wood Slices With a Chainsaw

If you have a chainsaw, you can cut perfect slices of wood. To do this, you need to know how to use the saw and how to keep it sharp. You also need to figure out what size your slices should be so they’ll fit into whatever project you’re working on.

Best size chainsaw for cutting wood slices

The first step in cutting wood slices with a chainsaw is to decide which size chain to use. The best chain size for cutting wood slices is 19 inches, as it offers the most versatility and power. It’s also possible to use a chain that’s 20 or 21 inches, but these will be more prone to clogging up when you’re working with dense logs.

The next step is choosing your bar length, which will depend on the type of work you’ll be doing and what kind of setback distance you need from the saw’s engine. For example, if you’re going to be cutting through large logs with low-gauge chains like 16/32 or 24/36 (which are designed for bigger trees), then having at least a 26-inch bar length would be ideal because this gives enough space above the engine so that air can flow freely through its fins without being obstructed by anything else nearby such as branches sticking out from trees nearby too closely together so they touch each other but still keep their distance).

How to cut wood slices with a chainsaw

The most obvious way to cut wood slices is with a chainsaw. There are several different kinds, each designed for different purposes and jobs. To slice logs and branches into small pieces of wood, you’ll want to use an electric chainsaw. These are lightweight, easy to maneuver, and require very little maintenance compared to gas-powered models.

Electric chainsaws also generate less noise than their gasoline-powered counterparts, so they’re great for people who have neighbors nearby or don’t want their neighbors up at night hearing them work on their projects!

Method 1 – Freehand and fast

If you’re using a chainsaw to cut wood slices, the first thing you need to do is make sure it’s sharp. A dull blade will cause kickback and can fly out of your hand. If it does, it could hit someone or something else and cause serious damage. Once your chain saw is ready, place your log on level ground so that one end of it is resting against a larger piece of wood or another type of support. This will ensure that when you cut through the log, the slice falls away from you instead of towards you—and remember never try this alone!

Keeping the tree on the right platform

Now that your chainsaw is sharp and you are ready to go, it is time to start cutting. In order to keep the tree on the right platform, you will need to make sure that there is a space between where you are standing and where the tree will fall if you cut through its center point (the middle). If there isn’t enough space between where you stand and where your saw would hit, then shift over so there is more room in front of you. This can be done by stepping backward or forwards with one foot at a time until enough distance exists between yourself and the trunk of your tree.

Finding and marking tree knots

  • Find a tree with knots.
  • Mark the tree knot you want to cut with your chainsaw’s laser sight or some other marking tool (e.g., chalk, paint).
  • Cut through the stem of the treetop until you reach the knot!

Marking for precise slices cutting

  • Mark your tree with a chalk line.
  • Mark your tree with a paint marker.
  • Mark your tree with a sharpie.
  • Mark your tree with a knife.
  • Use a laser level to mark the cuts on your log, or use a compass to determine where to make the slice (ex: north/south or east/west).

Method 2 – With a jig

This method is a great way to cut wood slices in a straight line, but you can also use it to cut curved lines and even circles.

To start, make sure your jig is set up correctly. Then, place the wood slice on top of a piece of scrap material that’s slightly larger than the slice you want to make and trace around it with an awl (or similar tool). Remove the scrap material and put another piece under your workpiece, this time larger than both pieces combined. You’ll be cutting between these two pieces so be careful not to move them around too much when using them as guides!

Once everything’s arranged properly, tighten down clamps or brad nails to hold up both ends of your guide boards (don’t tighten them too much though—you don’t want them shifting while working). Then place one of those long strips behind each clamp or nail so they act like stops for wood movement along its length:

Build a basic square jig

The first thing you’ll need to do is build a jig out of plywood that will hold the log in place. The basic design looks like this:

  • Attach the plywood jig to the tree so that it’s just above the horizontal log you want to cut and use some string attached to each corner as a guide for where exactly on your tree you want to position your log — preferably over something flat, like an old stump or rock.
  • Attach another rope at one end of your square jig, pull it taut until it runs through all four sides and attach it firmly to one side of the second piece of plywood (or sheet metal) large enough for its perimeter plus two inches more so that there’s enough room inside for whatever tool you plan on using (in this case: chainsaw). This will create what’s called an “opening” in which we can insert our saw blade later on!

Prepare log and chainsaw

  • Cut the log to a length that is easy to handle. This can be done before you start cutting or after you’ve removed it from the saw, depending on how you prefer to work.
  • When sharpening your chainsaw, make sure that the chain tension is properly adjusted for this kind of job by running through each tooth with your finger and feeling for any unevenness or rough spots. If there are any issues with the chain, adjust it accordingly and make sure it’s as smooth as possible before starting up again.
  • Start up your chainsaw and let it warm up for several minutes before using it; this will help prevent injury from kickback due to ice forming inside the machine during cold weather conditions (also known as “frostbite”). It may also be helpful if someone else turns on their saw at the same time so they can keep an eye out for any other hazards nearby as well!
  • Hold your chainsaw firmly against its intended target with both hands while making sure all fingers are clear from moving parts like trigger switches or underneath handles where they could get caught between moving surfaces such as blades spinning rapidly around in circles very close together when cutting through thick pieces of wood which could cause serious injury if not careful enough.”

Make the cut

  • Position the wood and yourself in a safe way
  • Hold the chainsaw correctly
  • Choose the right cutting angle (18-20 degrees) to avoid kickback
  • Choose a cutting speed of 3,000 RPM or less, if possible, and make sure your chain is sharpened regularly
  • Cut at a depth of 1/2 to 3/4 inches; this should prevent you from hitting knots and splitting out on the bottom of your cut


In conclusion, this article has given you some tips on how to cut wood slices using a chainsaw. You can use either method to cut the slices, but we recommend method 2 as it is safer and easier than the first one.

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